Friday, September 26, 2008

It's hard being me

I know it looks like I have a very easy life , but I'm gonna give the truth. Every day I come home from school my mom is not there , so get UNLIMITED telivision watching. Yeah I know pretty hard core isn't it! Then I never get homework from my teacher and I only have two chores , so I am left with the computer all to myself. I bet you're feeling sorry for me right now , but now I will tell you the WORST. My brother has to do homework when he comes home so I get even MORE time watching television and playing on the computer! So remember you do NOT repeat NOT want to be me.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Why i'm here

I bet you're wondering why I'm doing this , well I'll tell you why. I saw that my cousin ,Will, had a blog , so I got a tad bit jealous.I asked my mom if I could make a blog and she said yes.So I spent all day doing stuff to make my blog.And here I am doing my first article.That's all for now , so see ya!